I came across something beautiful this morning that I decided to make my mantra for the day. I wanted to share it with you all, in hopes that it can maybe resonate with you as well.
It was actually pretty simple, but for me, most beautiful things are just that. It spoke about how we convince ourselves that the best is yet to come. How we spend so much of our lives waiting, looking for the next thing or milestone to get here. So much that we lose sight of the beauty in the here and now. The present, what a beautiful thing. We tell ourselves that our life will be “better” or “more complete” when we get the successful job, or move to a new place, get married, become a parent, have x amount of money in the bank. That that is when life will truly begin. But the truth is, there is no better time than right now. Right this very moment. The challenges, the hardships, they will always be there. Stop waiting, do it now. Make the jump, take the chance, decide to be the person you want to be, and choose happiness every. single. time. Choose those things that make you feel alive and set your soul free. And choose to love.
Time waits for no one and we are guaranteed nothing more than the present moment we are experiencing now. Through the hurt, the pain, the broken dreams and hearts, it is still a beautiful, beautiful world. Such a sweet reminder today.